Where is God not?

If God is ominpresent, then where is God not?

If God is pure love, and everything is created from the Spirit of God, which can only be pure love also, then how can there be evil?

Obviously, something isn’t right here.

If we do not question the premise that God is pure Love, then logically we must question our notion of evil.

What if there is actually no such thing as evil? What if it’s only an illusion in our mind based on limited awareness and a life time of ignorant indoctrinatinon? My study and personal experience led me to believe that this is the case.

Opposites such as good and evil, right and wrong, positive and negative, are just labels of lopsided perceptions based on our subject value systems. What is good here and now is actually evil in a different place or at a different time, and vice versa. In the scientific languse of quantum physic, these pairs of opposites are “entangled,” meaning they are the two inseparable poles of the same thing which in its totality is always neutral.

In other words, when we label something as good or bad, or positive or negative, we are seeing only half of the picture and ignoring the other half. This applies to every thing, event, act, person, personality trait, and personal social, economic or political status, etc. Each of these has no meaning until we give it one based on our biased opinion at the time.

Not knowing this is the source of most of our griefs.

Knowing this helps us to accept others as who they are and stop being judgemental.

Most importantly, it helps us to accept and love ourselves. Very often we are the harshest critics of ourselves.

However, this is much easier said than done. I have found in my own life that intellectual understanding of a principle does not guarantee the demonstration of that principle in my life, somewhat like knowing the harms of tabacco does not guarantee that one will quit smoking.

Real knowing comes from doing and experiencing.

The good news is doing can take many forms. It does not have to be totally physical. Many times mental exercises can be just as effective.

After all, real learning comes when new neurological pathways are firmly established in the brain.

I went through one such exercise over the weekend which lifted me from intelledctual understanding to real knowing, a state of truly balanced perception and non-judgementabl, total acceptance of myself and the world.

The exercise is called “Quantum Collapse,” which is now known as the Demartini Method, after the name of my mentor Dr. John F. Demartini who developed the technique. In the exercise I identified five each of my perceived most positive and most negative traits/action and collapsed each of them. At the end, I found that my so-called postives are really no big deal. They have a lot of drawbacks and cause problems for myself and others. On the other hand, the things I didn’t like about myself have served very important purposes in my life and helped others too. As a result, I no longer feel so proud of my perceived strengths or ashamed of my perceived weaknesses. I can now toatlly accept and love myself.

Once I have totally accepted myself, I can totally accept the world also, and love everyone else with no condition.

In this new state of consciousness, my brain noises disappeared, along with a heaviness that permeated my being.

The funny thing is before that moment, I didn’t even know that I had those noises and the heaviness.

I also felt a lightness and a rapid rise of vitality.

For many years I intellectually knew that there is no such thing as a mistake. Everything happens in the right place at the right time. And we are always doing the right thing, in the right place, at the right time. Now these intellectual notions have finally become real, become my true perception, and become part of my life.

I find that everything is right. Everythign is perfect. There is never anything wrong. The world is perfect. And the world is wonderful.

No more complaints. No more excuses. No more pretending.

Just be who I am.

We are all expressions of the Divine Creator ITSELF and expressions of perfect Love.

We are love.

We can not be anything else.

We are all part of the divine matrix. There is no outside of IT.

We are all one, ingeniously connected, mysteriously entangled.

Everything is in IT. Everything is IT. Everything is God.

Everything is perfect. Everything can only be perfect. Everything can only be love. A form of love. A form of God. A form of God and Love in expression, although not seemingly so in the duality worlds of space, time and polarity.

There can be nothing else.

From Love, comes Love, and back to Love.

The cycles repeat. The forms constantly change. Yet the Essence remnains changeless.

This is the truth.

The truth sets me one step freer, one step closer to true Freedom.

I hope this too helps you find your freedom.



