Counselling & Therapy

Counselling & Therapy Philosophies

Counselling and therapy are interdisciplinary practices that draw on a broad range of learning beyond college psychology textbooks. The ultimate solution of the most serious emotional, psychological, relationship and behavioral problems is often a spiritual one. The process is a guided, expedited journey of understanding, enlightenment, empowerment, release, liberation, transformation and triumph.

A basic concept that is instrumental to most counselling and therapy work is the Hierarchy of Values, discovered by Dr. John F. Demartini, the world’s leading expert in the field of psycho-spiritual development and transformation. This theory is the most significant development in the understanding of human behavior after Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. The hierarchy of values is the unconscious driver of human behavior, which is overwhelmingly more powerful than one’s conscious judgments. A high value is what is unconsciously important to you, such as family, money, body building, buying shoes, having sex, etc. You automatically do what is high in this pecking order and procrastinate on what is low in the order. The effect of pain and pleasure on human behavior is much smaller than conventionally believed. And the “should’s” from the superego only add guilt and grief to life.

The Hierarchy of Values determines our private morals and public ethics. No two people have the same hierarchy of values. The unrealistic expectation upon others, God, universe or mechanical objects to act outside their hierarchy of values and inside your own hierarchy of values is the main source of negative emotions, such as anger, disappointment, depression, etc., which either slowly or rapidly manifest as physical and mental problems.

Emotions are energy in motion which often get stuck in certain parts of the body. Different emotions affect different organs and systems. Therapy in this case is to make the emotions unstuck and release them.

Most health problems are caused directly and indirectly by emotions, including seemingly genetic diseases and accidents. All emotions are caused by lopsided perceptions. The task of the counsellor and therapist is to balance perceptions by changing the subconscious programming which in turn clears emotions and heals the body, mind and soul.

Forgiveness is not the greatest healer of all. Love is. Forgiveness reflects incomplete awareness. Love transcends good and evil and dissolves all emotions. There is no evil that is so great or trauma so severe that it cannot be dissolved by love. Bringing sufferers to this awareness through the healing experience is the higher purpose of counselling and therapy.

Our worst enemies are our most valuable teachers.

No experience is ever wasted. Every encounter in life serves us in some way and brings us one step closer to truth, love and light.

Suffering comes from nonacceptance of or resistance to what is. The best way to release mental suffering is to change perceptions. Changing perception requires the expansion of awareness. A higher awareness is the love child of the marriage of complementarily opposite opinions and judgments.

Any event is neutral of itself. Our interpretation of it gives it meaning. The solution to any psychological problems arising from an event requires the reinterpretation and recognition of the full meaning of this event. Such a healing process generally requires the facilitation of a skilled counsellor or therapist.

The mind is a sophisticated computer run by programs. When it is activated by the light of Soul, it is balanced, wise and executes only constructive programs. But when it is trapped in one of its five passions, anger, greed, lust, attachment or vanity, it becomes a destructive machine to both others and self. In a very real sense, the counsellor/therapist is a sophisticated programmer who not only helps the client close and erase old programs, but also writes, installs and helps execute new programs and open new brain pathways.

Midlife crisis is a lonely adult rite of passage happening in a long, dark tunnel. The role of the counsellor and therapist is to be the missing officiating clergy and initiator to bring light to this ceremony and shorten the journey in the dark from years to days or weeks.

Depression is the result of being trapped in a hardened bubble of fantasy. Phobias are stuck energy of fear inflicted upon by traumatic events in the past. Grief is the strong reaction to the perceived loss of an embellished image with only positive traits.

Addiction is often a symptom of other serious issues. Adult problems are often manifestations of childhood inflictions.

Masculinity and femininity are mainly determined by the inner psychological archetype rather than the outer appearance of the male or female form.

The vast majority of the kids who have been labeled ADD/ADHA are perfectly normal kids. They have attention surplus in the subjects or activities of their interest.

The key to improving marks is to link the student’s weak areas with their high values.

If students do not learn to deal with the failing grade in elementary school and high school, many of them will fall apart when they can’t pass an exam in college and university, if they are lucky enough to get into one, and be totally overwhelmed in the face of challenges later in life, when their teachers will no longer be there to babysit them.

Deep down we all know our mission, vision and purpose in life and want to do something extraordinary. It’s our fear and lack of faith in ourselves that prevent us from acknowledging that calling of soul from within. The role of the career counsellor is to first help the client uncover and claim their mission and then show them a realistic path to fulfilling it.

