The purpose of life

I grew up in China in a time when moral and political education was very important.

When I was old enough to think about questions of life, I was told in school that the purpose of life is to serve the people.

I didn’t understand it. Nobody really understood it. Nobody believed it.

My search led me to the Christian church in a prairie town in Canada. I was told the purpose of life is to to live for Christ. I still didn’t get it.

My search continued.

When the student is ready, the master appears.

I was ready some 13 years ago. And the secret was revealed to me.

It’s one simple word.


Learning about love, my friends, is the purpose of our lives on earth.

First, learn to give love. Love God, through loving your fellow men and all ITS creations.

To do that you need to first love yourself.

Know that each of our shortcomings serves a purpse. And making mistakes is the best way to learn. We will not be perfect until we have made all the possible mistakes!

So be gentle to yourself, as you are to others.

Know that God does not judge, resent or punish. Only gods created after man’s image do that.

You are not a sinner, but God’s greatest creation. You came to earth to learn  through experience. Getting experience is the means to the purpose, because each experience teaches us a bit more about love. God created the school of earth specifically for this purpose. The law of life is set on earth only to teach us love.

Second, learn to receive love. This is often harder than giving love. But the divine circle of love is not complete when a gift is not taken, and by refusing to accept a gift of love, you are blocking the flow of blessings to the giver.

So don’t hesitate to say yes the next time someone sincerely offers you something.

Receiving is giving. Giving is receiving. That’s how the law of love works.

So give happily, and receive gratefully. Your heart opens when you do either.

Third, do what you love. Doing what you love is your destiny and the specific purpose of your present life. You are endowed with sufficient wisdom, intelligence and physical capacities to do that. Your mind was pre-loaded with all the necessary programs. It’s simply a matter of turning your mind on and starting the execution.

To pursue what you love may require some courage. But know that overcoming fear is part of the purpose of life.

Where there is fear, love is locked out. Where there is love, fear has no place to stay, just like where there is light, darkness disappears.

So be gutsy, bold and courageous. Challenge yourself. Challenge conventional beliefs. Challenge experts and authorities. No matter what you have been told before, the truth is, the meek can only inherit the earth. Only the brave will reach the highest of the heavens.

Finally, be love. Be the comforter to those who suffer, the listener to those who need to release, and the shoulder to those who need to cry on. Be patience to those who are frustrated or nervous, discipline to those who are self-destructive, and the steps to those who climb their mountains on.

Be the lover of all life, the goodwill to all humanity and the light on others’ paths.

Be respect, humility, punctuality and everything else you want from others.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

And ultimately, be love itself. Be Love personified. With that, comes freedom, power and wisdom. That’s God Realization. That’s where the Ocean of Love and Mercy is. That’s where the highest heaven is. That’s the abode of God!

The next time when you struggle with a decision, ask, what would Love do? Or what would Christ do? What would Buddha do? What would Krishna do?

What would _Love_ do?

You always win living that answer.



